Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's the little things...

WHERE have you been all my life? Maybe I have just missed it at the store for 5 yrs? I don't know but I saw this the last store trip I went on & grabbed it. It was like $3 or maybe $4 but I don't care.. it saved me an hours time making dinner last night. I hate boiling & shredding chicken more than anything! Just heated it up & threw it in the bowl to mix with everything else. Thank you baby Jesus!!!!!! Now to see if there are different flavors...


lots of love said...

i'm guessing it tasted good too? i bought some flavored frozen chicken strips that were tyson for my MM lunches and it was so fatty i could barely get any good meat out of it =( so i've been still cooking every little thing for every little meal. kinda making it hard to stay on the diet! i'll look into this stuff!

~Shelly~ said...

It tasted good..there were some fatty pieces but most of it was just fine! I do want to see if there's some just plain chicken or even southwest flavors.. rather than the herb but that's all that was at the end isle they had set up. I was rushing!