Monday, March 14, 2011


This past weekend we took a trip down to Houston to visit Miss Macy!
We left friday at 4pm from Waco ... and didn't get to Houston until 10:15pm!! We stopped to eat dinner in Huntsville & then got stuck in bad traffic for 2 hrs! Kinley was DONE with the car ride!

But it was all worth it when we got there :) I FORGOT MY CAMERA tho so this is the only pic I got of my girl..sleeping! :(
We had a good time tho..even sold Jeffrey's truck to a dealership while we were there. Gotta pay off those credit cards somehow :)
Sat we took some pictures at their neighborhood pond & then that night we ate some yummy homemade fajitas!

Sunday afternoon on our way out we met up with Ashlee & Rylie for lunch at Rico's! The girls had alot of fun..wish I had a video camera of the "fiddle playing" Kinley was doing haha! There wasn't a dull moment at lunch with these girls!
Aren't they cute!?

After we got home we met the fam at another mexican food place (but we didn't eat)! Kinley's cousins had been in Corpus Christie for 4 days so she was excited to see them. Her and Emily spent the evening braiding hair and coloring! We also met Alex there.. but that is another post!


lots of love said...

We were glad we got to visit with yall before you left! Rylie told her Mimi & Gaga yesterday all about lunch with yall & even showed them her "fiddle" playing she learned from Kinley! LOL Wish I'd video taped that too!

Nana said...

Glad you had a good time! I love Kinley's outfit by the way, she looked so cute!

Holly and Matthew said...

They are all so adorable! Your niece is priceless!