Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers Day was pretty relaxing this year! We just went to my moms to see her & hung out for a little while & then we met Jeffrey's family for dinner at Ninfas ;)

My mama & I
The girls
Kinley being a nut herself..

I love this girl!

Kinley made me a sweet poem with her hand prints & made me a card at school! It's hanging on our fridge ;)
And Jeffrey got me the book I've been wanting for the iPad.. Two Kisses For Maddy!
I love my little family & am so proud at how far we have come. I can't wait to see what next year holds!

1 comment:

Betty Watson said...

I love your dress. As usual,you, Phyllis and Kinley all look beautiful. You have a beautiful family and life. Enjoy it each and every day.