Wednesday, February 1, 2012

38 Weeks

Went to doctor again friday~ no more progress to report! She's mighty comfy. Big day set for Monday- 7 more days.. wow! (Not sure why this post says Wed the 1st!?)

And yes, it's that time again! The much anticipated survey..HA!

1. How far along? 38 weeks 3 days

2. Weight gain? 19lbs

3. Movement? She just started slowing WAY down this weekend. Yesterday I noticed I hadn't felt her move at all but last night she was a little more active.

4. Food cravings? Nothing new!

5. Emotions? Getting better

6. What I miss? Let's be honest..I'm tired, fat, cranky & stressed..I just want a glass of wine!!

7. Sleeping? Hardly!

8. Labor Signs? Been having "back labor" pains with the strong braxtons. I've had 2 real contractions. TWO. Whats up with that?!

9. Best Moment of the week: CLOSING ON OUR NEW HOME/moving in finally!

10. Gender? Hoping it's still our Presley Kate :)

1 comment:

KendelRichards said...

congrats on the house! what a relief that its done before sweet baby is here!!