Monday, August 10, 2009


Friday morning my mom had her surgery. It lasted about 45 minutes once they got her back there. She did great & was on her feet the same day. Saturday she went home & finally got some rest! Thank you for all the prayers & get well wishes!
I also had a follow up appointment with my urologist on Friday afternoon. I had the ultrasound done on my kidneys about a month ago & Im just now seeing the doc. After sitting & waiting for 2 HOURS~the result is that I have to go back this Friday for an X-Ray. I'll have to have the IV to push the dye thru my system as well. My right kidney was dialated & he wants to see if that is still the case.

Saturday after I brought mom home & put Kinley down for a nap I went shopping for her "school clothes". She got lots of goodies that I can't wait to see her in! Later on Jeffrey & I had a date night. We went to see The Propsal (which I was slightly disappointed in) & then went to Ninfa's!

Sunday evening we had PawPaw, Gi, Weezer (my sis in law), Dylan & Emi over. We cooked on the grill, went swimming & watched the first football game of the season!! At least now we can have something to look forward to on Sunday & Monday nights :)
Have a good week everyone.

*Sorry, no pics!


Unknown said...

Oh school clothes! How fun! Nikki did that with Ashlyn this weekend (kindergarten already!). They were looking at everything in her closet and Ashlyn got out paper and a pencil to make a list of her outfits:-) The girl loves clothes!

~Shelly~ said...

Ha!! aw thats cute!

Laura Marchant said...

I hope everything turns out ok with your kidney. Glad to hear your mom is doing well!