Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ENT Appointment

Today is Kinley's ENT appointment. We are going to talk with Dr. Holland about getting tubes in her ears. I know it's a simple procedure & it is done every day~but the thought of putting her "under" just scares me!
That will not be done today~and we don't even know if she will have to do that yet.. but it's def on my mind.
I had alot of friends that had nothing but good things to say about this doctor, so we chose to go with him. I'll let everyone know how the appointment went!


Miranda said...

I know that everything will go fine. The picture of the "tube" look really big but it is the size of pencil led or smaller!

Anonymous said...

The tube will be a blessing. I have not had an ear infection in two years since I had my tube placed.

Ape said...

awe let us know how everything goes when you talk to him. I know it can be scarey but if its better in the end go for it!!!!

*Valerie* said...

Oh I hope everything went well! Kinlee went to the ENT today alsp. She actually had surgery with Dr. Brindley (Holland's partner) She had her 7th pair of tubes placed today! And she is 6! So they placed T tubes this time. They don'y put you under for it tho. Just some "gas" and a shot after the gas. The only time she got put under with them was when they placed tubes again and removed her tonsils and adnoids. If Kinley has to get them she will do just fine! Let us know how the appointment went! And stay strong mommy!