Friday, January 7, 2011


I think Kinley discovered static electricity the other night! She had a ball seeing how high her hair would get!

(Pay no attention to those knees- she falls all the time!)


lots of love said...

Haha! I was JUST on your blog & saw no update but clicked back on here accidentally & there's an update! How's she doin in her big girl bed?

~Shelly~ said...

LOL we are sitting in bed watching Inception and Im blogging :)
Oh she's doing great-she actually sleeps much better! I need to post pics of her room, its just STILL not complete yet :(

Delores said...

too funny

Nana said...

This child cracks me up!!

Ape said...

lol thats hilarious!

*Valerie* said...

Love it! lol