Monday, November 16, 2009

A nice visit

On Saturday, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Jeremy, Connor & Camryn came down for a visit!
Kinley was all excited when she woke up from her nap to find Connor playing in the living room!
And of course she HAD to "hold" Camryn!
These pictures are from my cell phone so they are pretty bad~but I didn't have our big camera.

Camryn looking at Nana thinking "WHY are you just sitting there-get her off of me!"

Glad we got to see you guys~can't wait for Thanksgiving!


Miranda said...

how cute! wish we could have been there.

Kathy said...

LOVE Camryn's face in that second picture....priceless!

Delores said...

very sweet

PaPa said...

I love the facial expression of Camryn in the 2nd picture. Kinley wanted to hold and hug her Camryn so bad. And she was so good with Camyrn.