Friday, July 6, 2012

SUYL~Bathroom edition

Another SUYL post from Kelly's Korner. This week is the Bathroom edition!

This is our master bathroom..
I'm sorry- I don't know why I can't center this picture!?
 I finally got window treatments done in the house! I wanted them in our first house & never had them done.. 2nd house never had them done. . so finally now that we are in our "forever home" I had to have them :)
I just need to pick up some tealights for my candle holder & decorate the tub area & our bathroom is finished!
Closer look at the pic, I love the swirly frame!
(Another cell phone pic)
Looking into my closet. I had the drawers made when we were building the house. I was so tired of sharing the dresser with the hubs so this was a must!
The girls bathroom~I love how bright & funky it is!
And this is the upstairs 1/2 bathroom :)

Thanks for stopping by~hope you enjoyed our bathroom tour!


Ape said...

I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!! So Ill just move in lol the girls bathroom is so cute and Im jealous of your closet

~Shelly~ said...

Come on girl I have an extra room for u! Thank u- u are too sweet!!!

Renae said...

Love your girls room!! Nice and Bright just how I like it!!

Lily Dawn said...

Beautiful bathrooms- Love the closet!! and your girls' bathroom is so cute! :)

twinkietotmom said...

Love love love your his & her sinks! My inlays have separate sinks like this in their summer home in TN and I envy them! Your kids bathroom is super cute & fun too! Love the wall art!

~Shelly~ said...

Thank you all!! Appreciate the nice comments!

Tammy @ A Walk in the Countryside said...

I love all your bathrooms! The window treatment is very pretty especially with that touch of blue from your towels and picture!

lots of love said...

i'm just seeing this! we have that same powder room sign in our half bath downstairs! i love it. i was hoping to get our bathrooms cleaned and do the post before we left but i was too busy packing. maybe i'll put them up in another post. i need bathroom decor help!