Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Bouncin Good Time!

Last Friday night we had a playdate with Audree, Skye, Kolby & Katy's boys! We went to a place near our house called Jumping Party!
It took Kinley a while to warm up to everything. She was scared to do most of it bc it involved climbing high & she is scared of heights. Plus the big kids scared her a little too.
But when she got going~there was no turning back! She even cried when we had to leave.

Daddy & Kinley about to go in
Having fun just running around!
I HAD to get in there with her :)

Jessika & Skye Bear!
The girls playin
Going by herself..finally!
My sweet pea :)

Kolby goin down..this kid was EVERYWHERE! The only picture I got of him- lol!
Audree Lou going down!
And her cousin Laura..get outta the way Audree lol!!!
Hahaha..Kinley decided to go down the BIG slide when we told her we were leaving. So Daddy went with her- I'm not sure she enjoyed it lol!
I didn't even get a picture of Katy or her boys either! In fact I only saw the boys once! We had fun tho & planning on another playdate very soon!


Miranda said...

I wanna go! Looks like fun!

Ape said...

hahaha i love that one pic of laura fixing to run into aud!! We had soooo much fun, i can't wait for another playdate!!!

Miranda- little macy will DEF have to go!!

lots of love said...

Those yellow shorts K has on are my FAV! Rylie wears them all the time. I love those colors & they look cute on Kinley! I've looked into that jump place. Glad to know kids Rylie's age like it. I wanna take Rylie there for free play sometime with her cousin. It's too hot in the Summer to meet up with them outside anywhere!