Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dress up

This kid LOVES to wear my shoes. I will get them nice & neat in my closet & the next thing I know she has gotten them all down & on the floor!!! Drives me nuts but sometimes I catch some cute poses such as these..

Yeehaw cowgirl!
These are her favorites..

Obviously this was on a different night ..but now I know what my little boy would look like if I ever had one..hehe!


Laura Marchant said...

I don't mind so much when my daughter does it but when the son does it...CRACKS.ME.UP.

Ape said...

Hey Aud wore that outfit the other day!! hahaha i love it, esp the one of her in the hat hahaha

Crystal said...

Too cute! Sam use to do this! NOW it's my clothes that shes into!!! Lol!

Miranda said...

CrAzY Kid! I love the last one.