Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pioneer Woman

For all you Pioneer Woman lovers out there.. my friend Courtney & her sister went to meet her & get their cookbook signed in Dallas this week! They said there were TONS of people there & it was so crowded so she actually had the girls sign the book. Still pretty cool tho~this woman is Super Mom!


Birkes to the 4th Power said...

She's even prettier in person!! And her kids are super cute too!!

Kathy said...

Very cool! I would have loved to have gone, but this week is crazy and I have seen all the crowds from her other signings and I don't do crowds...I love her.

Mindy said...

I have neveheard of this lady before your post, so I looked her up and OMG! She is soooo funny! I ordered two of her for me and one for mama!!!!!!! Thanks Shelly!

~Shelly~ said...

order me one too! lol