Monday, April 11, 2011


Day 11~ Favorite TV shows

Everyone knows this is my #1!
Anyone else watch this? I am so addicted to it! I want the DVD set lol!
Still love to watch's really the only reality show there is!
A newer favorite of ours.. keeps u on the edge!
I like the regular Apprentice but I enjoy the celebrity version more since it all goes to charity & it's so easy to pick a favorite :)

Can't forget this one! Loved it when I was a kid & we still watch it just about every morning while getting ready for work & school! Kinley loves it too!
I watched Hey Dude every day when I was little! I wish it still came on!


Ape said...

omg hey dude!!! I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE that show! Ive been watching the apprentice too!

Rosie said...

I'm a sucker for the Bachelor too! So sad Brad and Emily didn't work out :( I tried to get into the Event, but it's one of those shows you have to watch closely, and I don't have time to keep up.

Holly and Matthew said...

I loved me some hey dude! I miss that show.